Well we made it. I had to work Christmas Eve until 10:30 a.m.. I headed home with the thought in mind that we were just staying home. The roads had gotten pretty bad and Mark was on call and unable to come with us. I was really bummed but knew that was the way it was going to be. Mark didn't know if he would get called out or not so he didn't want us sitting alone if he did. We hurried and packed the car and off to GI went Izzy and I. We did pretty good from Omaha to York and then from York to GI was a bit to be desired. My dad couldn't take it anymore that Isabella and I were on the interstate so he made us pull off at York and met us there. He drove the rest of the way in front of us to give me an idea of the road conditions.
Izzy enjoyed Christmas. She got a little off schedule but is doing fine. She is sitting up really well in her Boppy now so she sat up and kind of tore at her packages. She needed a little help though. She was the world's slowest present opener. She got all kinds of neat toys and clothes. She was spoiled but she sure is not rotten. This little girl just melts my heart along with her daddy's.
Back to the old grind on Monday. Isabella's 6 month check up is on Wednesday. We'll let you know how she is progressing. Happy New Year!