Tuesday, June 22, 2010

50 weeks

Izzy with her new present from Mari. She got early practice for the big b-day!

Izzy learning to open presents. Sorry I didn't rotate this before I posted and now it's stuck that way.

Oh my gosh, look at this big present!

Well we went to the ENT and tubes are in our future. July 2nd is tube day. I am sad she has to go under anesthesia, but if it makes her healthier, I'm all for it.

This weekend Mark and I spent our 5 year anniversary in Lincoln for the Wistrom Foundation golf tourney. Friday night our friends, the Kreifels, took Izzy so Mark and I could enjoy the evening. Then Sat. morning Mark golfed and Izzy and I went to visit my friend Shannon and her three kids. It was really good to see them. Shannon hadn't even met Izzy yet, that's how long it had been. Shannon had her oldest daughter when we were in college and I can't believe how grown up she is now. Time goes by sooo fast!
Then we went to our friend Sarah and Poppy's house and played with the toys and the kittys. I think Izzy may have a little feline allergy, but who knows. I'm always trying to figure out what is wrong with her. I need to quit guessing.

Sarah, Poppy, Izzy, and I loaded up and went to the golf course to meet up with the daddy's. Sarah was taking some pictures of the two girls and Poppy just laid Izzy out. It made her mad. Oh did the tears flow.
Izzy has really gotten into mimicking what we do. She chews when we say "chew" and move our mouth, she shakes her head "no" when we do, puts up the "number 1" with her finger when we do, and the latest.....made me laugh. I was trying to get her ready for school and she wouldn't sit still and was crawling everywhere. I was sitting on the floor and firmly pointed my finger into the carpet and said, "Izzy come here right now." She sat her bottom down from a crawling position and started pointing her finger into the carpet. That little stinker! Gotta love her.

Talk soon!

49 weeks (June 3-June9)

Izzy at her favorite activity table.
Our best buddy, Cletus!

playing in the back yard.

Lovin' some water from the water bottle. Also watering my clothes.

This weekend we went to a friends house for a BBQ. They had the most beautiful back yard. It would be a great place to take pictures. Izzy did a good job eating macaroni and cheese and Daddy gave her her first strawberry. Mom freaked out naturally but she did just fine.

The rest of the week we just bummed around and Izzy is changing all the time. She is pulling up and walking around things. Kind of learning to walk with her push toy and just happy all the time despite her congestion and the fluid on her ears. Next up visit with ENT. Pray!

48 weeks! Counting Down! (May 27th - June 2)

Daddy and Izzy playing airplane.
Izzy loves taking her socks off.

The paper says 48 weeks, but she will never tell you how old she is. She'd rather eat it and hide the evidence.

This week we had Izzy's one year pictures with Amanda Fish. I think they are going to turn out so cute. We had to do it a little early to match schedules, but it is close enough. I had brought a cupcake with a number one candle to take pictures with. Izzy was kind of hesitant at first. She picked the candle off first and put the frosting end in her mouth. After that it was a frosting fest. She would just grab handfuls and Mark finally said it was enough.

Izzy's cold symptoms seem to be getting a little better. She went back to the doctor a couple of days after her Rocephin shot and her ears were still not completely cleared so she got another shot and we have to follow-up with ENT on June 10th. Cross your fingers. I just want my poor baby healthy.

Have a good week!