This is just a photo shoot in the front yard. I got a new lens for my camera and I was playing around with it. I wish I could capture the photos that the photographers do with Izzy. I just am not as good. I think some photography classes are in my future.
More photo shoot pics.
Izzy and her Lamby. I was trying to see how the natural light would work through the window in Izzy's room and this is what we came up with.
Izzy outside in her play house. She is becoming such a big girl. Love her to pieces, she just makes my heart smile.
Finally done with pictures. Her face says it all, "Enough already, mom!"
Her afternoon nap. She still takes one nap a day. I hope that lasts for awhile. That is mommy's break time.
Things have been pretty uneventful in our daily lives. The pregnancy continues to go well and the baby is kicking like crazy. I did have to go through a few blood tests for gestational diabetes. I failed the glucola test at the OB and had to go do the 3 hour test. I thought I had it in the bag because that is exactly what happened when I was pregnant with Izzy. But, to my surprise my fasting glucose came back high and they wanted me to take diabetes educational classes. I thought something was weird because, when I 75was at the clinic having my blood drawn, they stated my fasting was 75. The labs came back at 115. Soo, I had it double checked and it was normal, 73. I am eating ice cream again and loving it.
Izzy is busy as ever. We are still trying to potty train with no success. My goal was to not have two in diapers, but I don't think I'm going to meet this goal. Oh well, everyone says it will happen when she's ready.
She is talking a mile a minute. Her vocabulary is unbelieveable. It just seems unreal she has learned all the things that she has in two short years. Just the other day she was eating an ice cream sandwich and she said, "Mommy this is delicious." Where does she learn this stuff?
As for Mark and I, we are just workig away. Mark is excited to get the football season going. We are also trying to finish our basement, but it's been slow going. Our goal was to have a guest room by the time the baby was born, but I don't think it will happen. We'll just keep pluggin' away.
Hope this finds everyone well, and I'll try not to take so long to update next month.