This is where it all began. Twelve years ago, Mark proposed to me on the landing at Rick's Boat Yard Cafe. It is now called Storz Brewery.
My first glass of wine on our trip.
We stayed at the Silverado Resort and Spa. It actually started out as a country club and is still used as one today. Only difference is that they rent out some of the other condos to people vacationing.
The resort was along the Silverado Trail.
Our first winery was Black Stallion. It was beautiful.
This was Beringer Winery. This is the home of one of the brothers. The other lived in a small farmhouse on the land. They now have a Beringer as the winemaker again. Its been many, many, years.
This is on the tour we went on of all the smaller winerys. This was the first one we went to and it was called Fontenella. We got to meet the owner and winemaker. We also got to do a barrel tasting here which you really don't do at the others.
Next up...Newton winery. This place was great. The tour guides were very personable. They opened a bottle of 2005 wine for our anniversary.
The wife of the couple that owns this winery was Asian and very into fung shui. This is a garden of such practices.
This was up on the terrace. The only flat piece of land on the property.
Stopping to have lunch at Bistro Jeanty. It was delicious.
Our third winery was Caymus. The property was beautiful. We did not tour the location here, we just tasted wine.
This was the last winery we went to. It was called the Terrace. It was on a huge farm and you could stay on the property. They took us around the property on a Mule. We also got to see where they made balsamic vinegar.
This was the cellar where the vinegar was fermenting. They put a little on our hand and we could taste it. It was wonderful.
That night we had dinner at the Culinary Institute. It was a neat atmosphere and it was fun to work with the students.
First stop in San Francisco was the Golden Gate Bridge. It was unreal how different the climate was here, versus Napa just an hour away.
This is where Mark and I enjoyed our anniversary dinner. It was called McCormick & Kuletos. It looked over the bay. The staff was wonderful and they gave us dessert for our anniversary.
Our view from our hotel room.
Our trolley ride. It was great for getting down to the wharf, but trying to get back was tough because they were all full. We had to hike up the steepest hill I have ever had to trek. 
Looking at Alcatraz from afar. I felt horrible that I messed up on the tickets.
China town.
This is a little breakfast place that we were told about. They are well known for their irish coffee. They were darn good.
On our way back from the Wharf we couldn't find one of these and walked a steep street. Definitely got our work out that day.
We later went to Haight Ashbury. This is an area known for hippies and free spirits. It has the painted ladies and the original house of the Grateful Dead.
This a couple that we met at the bar. They were funny to talk with.
That night we went to a local sports bar and watched the NBA championship game. The Golden State Warriors were playing so the place was rocking. We sat at a table next to the window and were warned that these lovely people reach in and grab things off the tables.
You can see here that one of the guys ruined it for everyone and they shut the window on them.
Mark and I getting ready to go on the neighborhood bus party.
Annual neighborhood bus trip. It was a hole in the wall theme. We went to Andy's, The Elbow Room and the Village.
Crabby pants!
An old dog.
Growing up too fast. Love ya Iz.
Just playing.
Addie made super hero masks and the girls had fun playing in them.
Izzy got her first loose tooth.
Izzy turned 6 at the end of June and we celebrated at Pump It Up!
Neighbors and their babes.
Mark found the massage chair.
This is the highest Izzy has climbed. She did actually make it to the top.
The group.
Ally, Izzy, and Addison.
After the bounce party we went back to our house to watch the fireworks from Shadow Ridge country club. This is Izzy, Jayce, Addison, and Addelyn.
Mark has been gone a lot with work and the girls sure miss him. On Thursdays I work late so we had Courtney babysit and Addie had her draw our family. When I got home the girls and I continued to play in the drive way. I looked over and Addie is laying on the drawing of the family. I thought she was just trying to get chalk all over everything. She then gets up and says, "I'm laying on Daddy because I miss him." It shows they really pay attention to when you are there and not.
Mark and I have been married for 10 years this month. What a milestone. We celebrated in Napa and San Francisco and it was great. Napa was my favorite. Very relaxing and beautiful. Who wouldn't like something with your best friend and a glass of wine. San Francisco was neat to see but too much chaos when you're coming from Napa. The one thing we had planned for San Francisco and the one thing Mark really wanted to do was go to Alcatraz. Well, I blew that. It was the only thing I was in charge of and I booked it for the wrong day. I booked for the day we were leaving. Needless to say, I felt horrible and searched and searched to get tickets to get on that island with no success. But, we made the best of it and took pictures from afar.