Well we started at daycare this week and all-in-all we did pretty well. The first day was a little rough for me. I swore I wasn't going to take her back the next day. Well.... I didn't really have a choice. Everyday after got a little easier. The week seemed to fly by, which was great. Later that week we met up with our friends the Osbornes. They had their little girl Kingzlee with them. She is turning one. I can't believe how fast they grow up. It will be fun when Izzy is a little older and the two girls can play with one another. Anyway that is all I really have this week. I will be posting shortly for week nine. She is getting her two month shots and I don't want to take her. I'll let you know how it goes. Take care. ARi PS As you can see Isabella is really starting to smile at a lot of things.