This week was a little hard. I went back to Grand Island to visit all the family members that haven't seen Izzy yet and I think it was a bit much. I went on Thursday and stayed until Sunday. Mark wanted to go to Hastings to visit Hermes' and Yilks so I tried to build up a supply of milk so my mom and dad could babysit. I couldn't even save up a drop. I was so sad. So I called a couple of my "handbooks" and they recommended fenugreek herbs and peach nector. My mom went on a goose chase in GI and she did not come home empty handed. I started the herbs and now things are a little better but not perfect. I never knew that it would affect me so much to not be able to satisfy my daughter with my milk. Lots of children are formula fed. What's the big deal? Not sure, but I cried for three days. Hormones....hmmm? We are now taking it day by day and supplementing with formula if need be. Somedays it's two bottles, some days it's none. But I've finally gotten comfortable with it and things are getting better.
Izzy met a lot of people this weekend and did great. She only had one fussy day the whole time. All in all she is a good baby.
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