This week also went by very fast. Izzy had her 2 mo check-up and she is growing like a weed. She weighed 11 lbs and 14 ozs and was 22 inches long. She was in the 77% for weight and only 44% for height. Is my poor baby going to be short and fat!?! Izzy also got her immunizations. I was not looking forward to the shots all day. She did do pretty well. The first poke went in and her eyes got real big and the screams started coming. We both were crying but she stopped before I did and fell asleep. She was pretty sleepy the rest of the night and was still a happy baby the next day.
She is as cute as ever and smiles alot. She still loves the ceiling fan and Cookie Monster and her dad can make her smile too. We'll keep you updated next week. Ariann
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