Gamma and Grandpa K. came to help mommy out on Saturday while I worked. Then when I got of work we took Izzy down to the Qwest center to her first car show. She loved looking around and all the noise.
Daddy got home on Saturday night and it was good to have him back. Sunday was just a veg day. Izzy started to wave hello/good-bye this week. I thought maybe it was just a flook, but she's done it mulitple times since. She is still pulling herself up on me, but crawling still isn't happening. She is getting closer by being on her hands and knees but the movement concept hasn't sunk in yet.
We are currently free and clear of the ear infections but we have a nasty cough. We went to the doctor and they just said it was a virus with drainage. If it is still persisting in a week or so then we'll have to do some chest xrays.
I just got done reading this really interesting book called the Unhealthy Truth and have decided to try and clean up our eating habits. I bought as much organic as I could to see how we manage. We will have to probably have to make adjustments in the future (because it is expensive), but until I can figure out what is ok to keep normal, I will keep investigating. Hope you all had a good week and we'll talk soon.
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