Eating rubber ducky. I'm telling you she eats everything she can. Those darn teeth.

Izzy had her 9 month check up on the Wednesday before she turned 40 weeks. She was doing well. Her stats were 82% for head circumference, 71% for weight, and only 47% for heighth. Hopefully these stats will start to become proportional. Poor girl! We were given the ok to start trying normal formula. We are starting with 2 oz of Gentlease and 5 oz. of Nutramigen and see how she does. So we've been doing it for 5 days now and everything seems to be going ok. Cheaper formula, here we come!
Izzy still isn't crawling, but still getting on all fours and pulling herself up to standing. No walking while supported. She is still waving "hi." She is clapping and shaking her hands in the air when we get excited and say, "Yeaaaah." We are starting to eat a few more finger foods and are doing very well with chicken and of course your basic fruits and veggies. She has 7 teeth and I think more are coming. She is constantly chewing on toys and her hands.
We were unable to go home for Easter this year because Mark was on call so we had a mini Easter at home. Izzy wasn't so sure about the plastic grass in her basket, but she loved her bunny and the plastic eggs.
Daddy turned 37 on Wednesday and we took time to go to Lo Sole Mio for dinner and we had a great time. Kylie from daycare came and watched Izzy and they had a great time. It's nice to have babysitters that you really trust. On to 41 weeks. I can't believe it.
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