Family photo at the Kalkowski Christmas.

Izzy and her doll that sings songs.

Izzy and Daddy at Darling's.

This is at our friends' Christmas open house.
Well it sure has been a long time. I'm trying to get back into this because Izzy is so busy and we have lots to tell you. I have been trying to upload pictures with no success....so here it goes.
Izzy has been up to so much these days. For example, she is tearing out everything she can get her hands on in the bottom kitchen cabinet. She definately keeps me on my toes. She is 19 months and already saying two word sentences such as, "No, no Mama...Cleda...Dada. She is talking so much.
This year she loved Christmas. Well, I should say most of it. She wasn't a big fan of Santa up close and personal. Pictures were fine, but the real guy was terrifying. She loved opening her gifts and trying them out right away.
She also got to experience sledding this winter. She went with our friends' daughters Lily and Charlotte and I couldn't get her off that thing. So for Christmas my aunt and uncle got her a purple one and she loves it. She may be completely frozen but by golly she is going to sled.
Our new adventure is potty training. We bought her her own little pink potty. She sits and wipes but hasn't figured out the peeing part. Everyone keeps telling me it will come in due time.
Hope you are well and hopefully we can keep you updated. TTFN Ariann
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