Dying Easter Eggs at Great Grandma and Grandpa Brown's.
After finding all the gifts the Easter Bunny left at Gamma and PopPop's.
Easter Egg hunt at Great Grandma and Grandpa Brown's.
Izzy and PopPop on Easter.

My cousin Heather, myself and all the great grand children.
Cletus hanging out at Gamma and PopPop's.
Izzy and PopPop after we surprised them that Izzy was going to be a big sister.
Izzy's special shirt. She will live up to the name in December.
Izzy and I after a day of paintingt toe nails.
Izzy's favorite back yard past time. She could spend hours in the sand box.
My cousin Kash getting ready to take the field at a Husker game. He is one of this year's big hitters.
Izzy cheering on Kash at his game. Go Hugers!
Kashy upn to bat.
Izzy and Gamma enjoying a hot dog at the game.
At the beginning of April we went to watch my cousin Kash play baseball in Lincoln. He plays for the Huskers and is one of their big hitters this year. We are sure proud of him. Lots of friends and family came because they were celebrating Grand Island and featured Kash. It was great to get my Grandma K. there since my Grandpa has passed away.
A week later we all went back to GI because Mark and I were the sponsors for his niece and nephew's confirmation. We put Izzy in a shirt that said "Big Sister" and waited to see how long it took for my parents to notice her shirt. Of course when we got home no one was there. When my mom got home she noticed right away. My dad was down at the shop cleaning things up so we all went there to show him. I had told him that we had a surprise for him. When we got there we talked and talked and he didn't even notice. We finally had to tell him to look at Izzy's shirt. He was really excited. He thought that we had bought a new car and that was our surprise. He wasn't expecting the baby news at all. Then my dad took Izzy to my Grandma K's apartment. She didn't notice either and when we told her to read Izzy's shirt, her response was "Really?". She had the biggest smile on her face.
Izzy and I came back to GI the following week for Easter. My cousins and uncle came to visit from Wichita. We had Easter dinner and died eggs on Saturday and then had the hunt on Sunday. Then Izzy and I headed out to Mark's aunt's house for Easter lunch. It was nice to finally get home and see Mark.
Well, until next month. I am behind on May too. I'll try to get to it soon.
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