This is new baby Brown. I think she looks a little more like me. I think it's a good combo of Izzy and me (so I guess that means Mark too). Darn, he's got some dominant genes.

Mark holding a baby chick at Pooley's Pumpkin Patch. Izzy wouldn't get near it .
Izzy and Ella as pumpkin heads at Pooley's.
On the hayrack ride to the patch to pick out our pumpkins.
Finding the perfect pumpkin.
Izzy and Mommy on their way back. Time to go home and get ready for the Huskers to play. They played Wisconsin and lost. Everyone was bummed. The Huskers just couldn't pull it together.
Daddy and Izzy going along with Mommy for a photo shoot. I was trying out a new lens on my camera.
Daddy and Izzy . I love this pic.
Our addition to the Halloween decoratios this year.
Izzy in her Halloween dress. Mommy had to get a few pictures. She wore a Halloween dress or outfit this whole week and this is the only one she would let me get any pictures in.
Love this Cheeser. I wish I could get rid of those sun spots.
Mark and I at my second game of the season. We played Michigan State and won. The final score was 24-3. We were only favored by one touchdown so everyone was excited about the great game. We looked really good as a team which hasn't always been the case this season.
Mads, Mark, and Vontz at the tailgate before the game .
Mark's ghetto boots enjoying the game. Our seats for this game were great because they were hight up and in the front row of the balcony. You could see everything. I hated them because I thought Mark was going to fly over the railing every time he stood to cheer. The lady next to us said, "You know if you are holding on to him when he goes over, you are going to." She has a good point.
The crowd waving their hands in the air to the beat of the band.
Lil Red did a little crowd surfing.
Pumpkin carving. Mark is just getting started.
This is the only time Izzy would sit with us. I thought for sure she would want to get her hands in the goo and she wanted nothing to do with it. She would rather be down in the sandbox.
Our end results. Mark bought six pumpkins and it was more work than we thought it would be so only three got carved.
Our little Zebra. She wasn't a big fan of this costume. I think it was a little top heavy and it kept hanging in her eyes.
Izzy and Ella before trick or treating.
Izzy trick or treating. She wanted to touch these lit up ghosts. I'm sure our neighbors loved her walking through their landscaping.
Mark and Izzy at the end of the night.
October brings the Halloween spirit. We wasted no time in getting to the pumpkin patch. We went to Pooley's with our friends, the Mulligans, the first day of Octorber. It was great getting there early in the season. It wasn't too busy and we didn't have to wait in line to get our pumpkins. Pooley's is great for Izzy's age, maybe we will try Vala's again next year.
For Halloween, Izzy had a party at school and then we went around the neighborhood to trick or treat. Izzy loved it. She kept saying, "I want to go to another house." She was scared at one house with a big spider. At the end of the night she zonked out fast. She was tired. The night before Halloween we carved our pumpkins. We thought Izzy would really enjoy getting her hands in the goo. We were wrong. She wanted to just play in the sandbox instead. She helped us for a little while and then the interest was gone.
This month Mark and I made it to the Michigan State vs. Nebraska game. It was really nice weather and a great game too. We had a good time and it was fun to see some old friends. I probably won't make it to any more games as we will have a baby soon. Only four more weeks. I can't wait to give Izzy a little sister to watch over.
The pregnacy has gone pretty well. They have been watching her this month every two weeks because they thought she was a little small. But today we had another ultrasound and it isn't going to be a problem. When it's all said and done, they think she will be around seven pounds. She started hiccuping this month and moves like crazy. I am excited to meet this little unnamed girl. That's right, we don't have a name for this little one yet. Hopefully when we see her it will just come.
Izzy is getting bigger and smarter by the minute. The things she says is just amazing to me. Between counting in Spanish and knowing which "buttons" to push and when lets me know we have a smart one on our hands. Because she picks things up so quickly we really have to watch what we say. We have had a little issue with the word 'Jesus. ' We thought she had forgotten about it because she hadn't said it in a while. Well....we were in the Jimmy Johns drive thru and Mark cut it a little short and hit the curb. Out of the back seat we heard, "Jesus daddy." It took all Mark and I had to hold it together and let her know that was a bad word. Love her more and more everyday.
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and we'll talk next month. I will be a new mommy with my next entry! Yay!
Izzy is getting so big! Some of those pictures make her look like the big sister that she's about to be! She may not have liked the zebra costume but she sure did look cute! I love her facial expressions in every picture :) ..too cute!
ReplyDeletePoor Cletus better get ready for two Brown girls! Momma better too! Can't wait to meet her!