Thursday, March 29, 2012

16 weeks

Maxin' and relaxin'

Hands in mouth....constantly!

Love her!

Bath time!

She looks like she needs a bath. It's gotta be chocolate. She always tells me she needs chocolate.
It's baaack! School called on Monday around noon to let us know that Addie had a 100.5 temperature and she needed to be picked up. We took her to the doctor and they said her ears and throat looked great that it was just another virus. On Tuesday she woke up with a 102.0 degree temp and just miserable. We could only control it for about four hours with Tylenol and then we had to dose again. The temp stayed around 99.5 medicated. My poor baby was really crabby and cried hard everytime we moved her. I was convinced she had viral meningitis but nobody else thought so. Finally late Wednesday night her fever broke and she started to be a happier baby. Mark and I couldn't miss anymore work so Mark's mom came to the rescue. What a God send.

I was told again at school that Izzie isn't listening very well. I told her that if she didn't listen she would start getting toys taken away. So the next day I asked her if she listened and she said, "no, but I will listen tomorrow."

Over the weekend Izzie played with the neighbor kids for 4 hours. It was great to get her outside and running and making new friends. I went over to pick her up and noticed that she had hives all over her legs and arms. I couldn't figure out what she was allergic to, she has played outside a bazillion times. Well, it turned out to be a sunburn. I forgot to put on sunscreen. I didn't even think about it being the early part of March. I felt like crap after it happened. I learned my lesson. My girls will never leave the house without being slathered and having a hat to cover their light haired heads.

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