Friday, July 6, 2012

30 weeks

Playing with the weekly sign.

Getting mad when I attempted to take it away from her.

Catching rays at the lake.

Brynna making the jump.

The girls hanging at Cindy's beach.

Linly's little guy exploring the boat.

Lily, Brynna, and Charlotte

Fireworks at Iron Horse Golf Course.

Izzy helping Mark wash the cars.

Izzy and Maia in deep conversation.

The crew on the Harley.
Monday Mark took Addie to ENT and they really had nothing to tell us. They put her on Veramyst hoping to decrease inflammation and shrink the adnoids. Hope it works. We are suppose to give it a month and then go from there. She is getting her bottom center teeth that is making things worse. I think I can see the very tip of her left tooth poking through.

Addie is eating her foods very well unless it is green. If it's green she has an automatic gag reflex. What other green veggie do you all recommend? I wonder how to puree an avacado so she can eat it. Otherwise she is doing great and sitting like a champ. I wish she could hold her own bottle. Now we are trying to work on "mama" and "dada." Every now and again as she babbles it sounds like she will say it. Oh yeah, the last day of this week her front left tooth came through.

This week I got to go to book club and to a movie with my friend Sarah. Thanks Mark for taking the girls so I could enjoy some time.

Izzy-isms: This week I was getting ready to give Iz a bath and she wanted to go in the big water, which is the jacuzzi tub in the master bath. I told her that I had already filled the little bath and that is where she was going to take a bath. As I'm taking her braids out she goes, "Mom, I'm very fusterated at you, grrr." I had to keep myself from laughing. Then her new thing is that she wants to be in your business and you can't be in hers. I was going to book club and she wanted to go and I told her she had to stay with Daddy and she goes, "But mom I want to be in your business." She is just so dang cute. I think we are in a world of trouble as this tiny adult gets older.

1 comment:

  1. You have the cutest girls ever! Doesn't Addie know that with getting bigger she is supposed to get easier? Hopefully it starts getting easier SOON!!
    I love hearing about your girls, they're precious :) You're a proud momma!
