Monday, April 6, 2015

February 2015

Fire Ridge had a snow day and our neighbor, Val, was so sweet to take Izzy for the day.

Izzy and Maia having a ball.

The whole gang. They have become second family to us. 

Inside warming up with a bowl of snow ice cream. 

This is a picture Izzy drew of herself. She was spot on with the outfit and everything. 

Playing in the snow for the second time. All the neighbors had a fun time. The weather was actually nice so it was enjoyable. 

Izzy and Maia trying to get a path in the snow so they would slide faster. 

Our first snowman. He had a great face this year thanks to cousin, Kelsey Martin.

Taking a break to make snow angels.

Hudson taking a turn.

Now Nolan.

This is a great picture of how happy these kids are, just being kids. 

Deep thoughts. 

We went home to celebrate my Mom's 15th birthday. 

The girls got their first manis and pedis

After this we went shopping and out to dinner at the Saddle Club. Its was great spending time with one amazing woman. 

Whew! These last couple of months have flown by and February was no different. It is actually April 1st and I'm just getting to this. My memory is a little foggy of what happened then. Good thing I wrote a few things down.

This was Izzy's first year to make a true Valentine's box. She chose to make a purse, and off to Michaels we went to buy the supplies. It was fun to watch her get creative and be so proud of her creation. Izzy has also been begging to take voice lessons and she had her first one at the end of the month. She loved it. Next on the agenda is to persuade her to play the guitar and not a ginormous piano. Not that I wouldn't love for her to play the piano, but a guitar is much easier to store. My little girl is growing up so much it is unbelievable.  Kindergarten has sure made her a mature little lady.

Then comes Addie. My little bull in a China shop. She is definitely sassy and strong willed but will snuggle with the best of them. She didn't have the terrible twos, but the thunderous threes have set in. She throws tantrums, stomps her feet, and says no more days than not. But like I said she has that sweet side. One night Mark had to work late so I threw the girls in bed with me. When Addie thought Izzy and I were asleep, I saw her lean over and give her big sister a kiss. My heart melted. Then one night I was laying with her (yes, I have to lay with her still at bed time) and I sniffled. She said," It's ok mommy, I have boogers too." I thought it was so cute. She is going through the same stage that Izzy did with only wearing dresses. Not only that, it has to be tights underneath too. No leggings. One day Mark let her wear a princess dress up dress to school and she was so proud. Mark said she walked into school with her coat all unzipped so everyone could see her dress. He said she walked through the daycare door with quite a strut. They are funny little creatures, aren't they?

Mark and I got away for a few days. I had a continuing education in Kansas City and Mark went with me. Its always a good couple of days away from the hustle. We had dinner with friends and a good Valentine's night out. While we were away, my parents came to Omaha to watch the girls (thanks Gamma and PopPop). They took them to the zoo and had a great time. Izzy told Gamma and PopPop that the reason the monkey room stunk was because they didn't wipe their butts and their vaginas. My dad couldn't stop laughing when telling us this story.

At the end of the month the girls and I went back to GI for Gamma's birthday. We went to get pedicures and out to eat. It was fun to spend quality girl time.

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and give your loved ones a squeeze.


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