Pumpkin outfit 2!

Gamma and Grandpa K came to watch me this weekend while mommy was at work and daddy went to the Husker game again. Is football season over yet??? After the way the Huskers played on Saturday it should be. Then on Sunday we just hung out.
I am getting really good at voicing my opinion, watching my hands, and putting them in my mouth. I sit up really well with the support of my Boppy.
On Wednesday I had my 4 month check up. I did pretty well with my shots. Not a peep on the first one and a short scream on the second. I weighed 15lbs and 110zs (83%) and I was 25 1/4 in. long (85%). At least I am proportionate this time. The doctor asked if I was rolling over yet and I am not. Soooo, mommy and daddy have made me get all my tummy time in ever since. I hate it.
Gamma K went crazy this year on Halloween outfits so I had one for everyday Halloween week. I will start them during my 17th week and finish them on my 18th week. Hope you all have a spooktacular Halloween and we'll catch up soon.
Love, Izzy
Love, Izzy