Well, we've made it four months without a hitch (knock on wood!). At daycare today I picked Izzy up and went home. Once I got home I read her little progress sheet to see when she had been fed last. "1:45!!!!," it is now 6:00p. Wait a minute, she is not screaming. I think we are moving into longer times between feedings. Yeah!!!"
Friday we had visitors start coming in for the Texas Tech game. Mike and Jen Laun stayed at our house. We met up with Scott and Jen Yilk Friday night at Lit and had some dinner. Skippy and Jen had their two girls ,Kaitlyn and Sienna with them also. It is crazy how fast they grow up.
On Saturday, I had to work until noon and Mark went down to the game. The clan left the house around 10 am with Izzy in tow. The Jeep was so packed with Izzy's stuff that Skippy had to ride in the way back. Heidi Kreifels watched Izzy and said she was so sweet. She couldn't believe how much she loved watching football. On Sunday we just vegged out. Izzy and I went to the mall for a little while and walked around, enjoying the beautiful weather. Mike and Jen left Monday morning.
Talk next week.
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