Saturday, December 27, 2008

Baby Brown Updates

Well, after two surgeries and three rounds of fertility treatment, Mark and I are finally pregnant. It sure has been a long time coming. We got our positive test on October 21, 2008 and have been really excited ever since. I have been going to the doctor every two weeks for blood tests and ultrasounds. I was finally released from the fertility specialist on Tuesday, December 23rd. At that visit we had another ultrasound. I was told to drink a little caffeine before I came to make the baby a little more active and boy was it. At one point I giggled about something and the baby's legs shot straight out. The nurse was in awe. She said, " That baby sure has long legs like daddy. They rarely ever stretch out completely like that. It's neat to see." So of course we have a proud papa. Anyway we had a wonderful Christmas and we hope you did too. We'll keep you updated in the days to come. I will post pictures soon. Ariann