Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boy or Girl?



arms and legs

bottom of feet


legs spread side ways

Well, Mark and I went yesterday for another ultrasound. I had to drink so much water I could burst. Lets just say it wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world. The ultrasound tech, scanned my entire stomach showing us every part of the baby. I couldn't believe how much detail it went into. You could see every chamber of the heart, the kidneys and how blood was flowing through each of them. I knew ultrasound could show good pictures of the structures but I didn't know it was that detailed. So as you could imagine she also showed us the baby's private parts. We are having a girl!!! The look on Mark's face was priceless. I didn't know whether he was going to laugh or cry. I think the thought is finally settling in. The baby's heartbeat is around 158 and very strong. She is doing great and developing nicely. I go back again in 3-4wks for another ultrasound. I am adding a slideshow to the site. The first few are of the body and show how long her legs are. Definitely daddy's height. The last picture shows her legs spread and her crotch in full view. That's how we found out. Hope you are all doing well and we'll keep you posted.

Mark and Ari

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I was finally released on 12-23-08 from the fertility specialist and went to my first real OB apointment yesterday (1/6/09). Nothing real exciting, just lots of questions and listening to the heartbeat. The heartbeat was fast and real strong. Girl, maybe? Mark was laughing at me because I had a big smile on my face listening to the shwoo, shwoo, shwoo. We are going back on Jan. 20th and if the baby cooperates we are suppose to find out the sex. WE ARE SUPER EXCITED.

I finally had to buy a belly band because some of my things are getting a little tight. Man, it's a weird feeling. Thanks for checking in on us and we'll keep posting. Love, Mark and Ari